Inspiration session
Getting to know
the RASCI-method©
What is it?
An low-threshold way to get acquainted with the RASCI-method©.
To discover if our philosophy appeals to you and our approach can help you meet your business challenges.
Who is it for?
- Everybody working in the area of business development;
- Everybody experiencing unclarities in the way the organization works;
- Everybody who wants to improve the way they work together;
- Everybody that wants to improve the way they control business processes.
What are the benefits?
After attending participants will:
- Understand our philosophy and the way the RASCI-method© works;
- Have a clear understanding on how the RASCI-method© can help you out;
- Be introduced to our organization.
What topics will be covered?
- Introduction of participants;
- Inventory of needs and expectations;
- Our philosophy and the approach of the RASCI-method©;
- Practical examples of solutions and useful tools;
- Looking for an appropriate approach for your situation.
How long does it take?
The inspiration session will take approximately 2,5 hours.
What is the investment?
Apart from the time you will invest, participation is free of charge.
Our scheduleThe RASCI method helped me to clearly define responsibilities in key positions and to gradually transfer ownership to the new management.
Apply for a free inspiration session
We will show you the possibilities of the RASCI-Method©, our approach and suitable software solutions.