Customer cases

European Bulk Services (EBS)
Working Smarter Together
How EBS replaced its KAM manual with a completely new management system.
The Rotterdam storage and transhipment company European Bulk Services (EBS) was already certified according to ISO 9001, SKAL, Non GMO, VCA * and GMP Plus and had this described in a KAM-Manual. However, this did not live sufficiently in the organization and did not tie in well with practice. The interdependence of processes and responsibilities was described too briefly and it was not clear what exactly was expected from employees. The organization wanted to review the (primary) processes with the people involved and ensure that they started to live more. Professional support was sought to complete this in just six months.
Based on the experience with the RASCI-method© and the existing KAM-Manual, an overview has been made of a completely new management system for EBS. This management system originally consisted of 31 processes, subdivided into Management, Supporting, Primary and Improvement processes. To keep the burden on the organization manageable, we agreed upon three different working methods. This allowed us to provide maximum support for EBS, without unnecessarily burdening people.
Together with the project team and management of EBS, the RASCI-method has started to describe the Business Model. From this the first processes were selected to work out on the basis of priorities set by EBS management. Subsequently, it was determined which process owners and stakeholders play a role in this. Together with the project team, they have been trained in the RASCI-method©:
Mapping the business process model;
Training project team members and stakeholders in the RASCI-method© (Incompany Training);
Defining the first processes including responsibilities (Full Blown Approach);
Use the Process Manager (PM) to publisch process information (INBISCO Software);
Use IRIS to control all working groups and measures (INBISCO Software).
The complete EBS management system now consists of only 26 processes, which are digitally available for all involved. This was achieved because the RASCI-method used a uniform description for the most important primary and supporting processes and sought the details in work instructions and one-point lessons (OPLs). The new system has been nominated for recertification and has passed this audit successfully, without a single non-conformity from certifier Bureau Veritas. Particularly due to the clarity that was created and the cohesion between the various organizational units, certification requirements could be met briefly and concisely.

Do you want to apply the RASCI-method© to your organization?
Do you also want to maximize your result? Contact us for making a non-binding appointment.
ContactOur quality manual was described narratively; thanks to this project, our processes are optimized, short and to the point and we demonstrably meet certification requirements.